UPDATED The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love by Beth Pattillo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

UPDATED The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love by Beth Pattillo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

UPDATED The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love by Beth Pattillo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description
It was a mostly fun read. This book was by the same author as Jane Austen Ruined My Life, which I enjoyed. The books was good, the only thing I really didnt like was the part of the story line that mimicked Pride & Prejudice. Although that particular story line has been used many, many times, in this particular book it wasnt even used cleverly. Some of the writing almost sounded like a word-for-word copy of the original. It really took away from the rest of the book and was just so bad that it lowered my opinion of the rest of the book. I love Jane Austen and all...but if youre going to use one of her story lines, you should at least make it good.
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