UPDATED The Structure and Properties of Water by David S. Eisenberg book find format shop kickass

UPDATED The Structure and Properties of Water by David S. Eisenberg book find format shop kickass

UPDATED The Structure and Properties of Water by David S. Eisenberg book find format shop kickass

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Book description
The authors have correlated many experimental observations and theoretical discussions from the scientific literature on water. Topics covered include the water molecule and forces between water molecules; the thermodynamic properties of steam; the structures of the ices; the thermodynamic, electrical, spectroscopic, and transport properties of the ices and of liquid water; hydrogen bonding in ice and water; and models for liquid water. The main emphasis of the book is on relating the properties of ice and water to their structures. Some background material in physical chemistry has been included in order to ensure that the material is accessible to readers in fields such as biology, biochemistry and geology as well as to chemists and physicists.
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