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[3.5] The bulk of this admittedly short book doesnt say much thats different from other 1960s counterculture history-memoirs: the protests, the drugs, films, books and lifestyle - but not much about the music here. However there are still some really good chapters. The book opens when Diski is in her early teens - if shed been from a more sheltered background she might have missed quite a lot of The Sixties, but she ran away from home and dropped out before shed been in anything apart from school. In a way she achieved the teenage dream of being independent at a young age whilst living in the epicentre of her eras pop culture, but it wasnt always easy. She was part of a Laingian therapy group for a while and as she had also used the eras rather unsympathetic NHS mental health system, is well placed to comment about the differences, plus she has plenty of anecdotes about the anarchic environment and its characters.A lot of 60s counterculture memoirs are by men, and in one chapter here, Diski gives her view of living in a commune / large shared house during the sexual revolution, as a straight woman. Her account of the mens assumptions and sense of sexual entitlement gives some background reasoning to the more puritanical side of 1970s feminism. It also reminded me of how I treated men in my first year or two at university (thirty years later), before starting to learn - partly thanks to LGB flatmates - that it wasnt okay whoever it was, and no matter what the media implied about twentysomething men always being up for it.By the early 70s Diski had found her feet, did teacher training and worked in a free school, hoping to help other troubled, potentially delinquent kids like the one shed been ten years earlier. This chapter had several interesting references to deschooling, unschooling, Ivan Illich and similar theorists. (I then realised Ive known one or two people who were into these theories, but as they, perhaps appropriately, hadnt used formal terms and references, I hadnt twigged the framework before. Theres a lot of interesting stuff to think about, though at least its not a pressing matter, as I dont have kids. In brief, I generally agree with the left-wing libertarian ethos, but pragmatically I think kids need to be given the skills to manage well in society as it is or is likely to be; that, even if it does inevitably bestow some conformism, at least gives them the choice about whether to fit in later.)Id always been a bit puzzled by Jenny Diskis status in the media: shes been on Radio 4 and in all the broadsheets and highbrow magazines for almost as long as I can remember, but Id never found her to have much of interest to say compared with many similar commentators. As will annoy many, I get Mary Kay Wilmers point about reviewers who are jargony or breathless, (doesnt mean Im not myself sometimes, and CBA making the effort not to be, but those I keep reading and liking certainly arent). Particularly in the light of that remark, I didnt understand why Diski got so many gigs in the LRB and similar publications; Ive seen several bits of lazy research from her and theres no doubt there are female writers who take a more intellectually rigorous and original approach, who have probably missed out in favour of her. After reading her account of the Sixties, Id assume she gets all that work because she must be interesting to know personally; she had a hard and varied early life and it gave her lots to talk and think about.These less-talked about experiences are certainly worth reading if youre interested in the history of the day before yesterday, as a friend described it, but overall, the best first-person account of Britain in the 60s I read - at a time when I looked at several - was High Sixties by Roger Hutchinson. (And not only because I agreed with a lot of the authors opinions on how culture and society had developed since then.)-----Have been looking at Jenny Diskis blog after writing this post. This http://jennydiski.wordpress.com/2014/... was an excellent article thats more political than other pieces of hers I recall. Its exactly the sort of yes its quite good but... commentary on contemporary uses of psychology that we dont see enough of. And she is one of the few other people Ive seen defend (with reservations) Liz Jones. I like her more than I used to.
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