UPDATED The Sickles Compass, A Story of Love, War and Alzheimers (A Shot Glass Reynolds book) by Stephen Woodfin (Goodreads Author) read apple audio direct link get

UPDATED The Sickles Compass, A Story of Love, War and Alzheimers (A Shot Glass Reynolds book) by Stephen Woodfin (Goodreads Author) read apple audio direct link get

UPDATED The Sickles Compass, A Story of Love, War and Alzheimers (A Shot Glass Reynolds book) by Stephen Woodfin (Goodreads Author)

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Book description
Beautifully told story, immaculate writing..the characters are rich, complete and painted with clarity. The story is heartwarming and edifying. And Woodfins understanding of the Alzheimers disease is deep and well-portrayed-- Attorney/author Pete MorinI am one of many who have lost loved ones to this disease. I salute the author for taking on such a challenging subject. It is clear he is a writer who puts his heart and soul in every word. A truly remarkable read and well written.-- Novelist Nancy B. BrewerWhen Battle of the Bulge veteran, Woody Wilson, realizes that Alzheimers is about to ground him forever, he goes on the run. While the police, his wife of sixty years, and his only son search for him, a diabolical mystery man from Woodys past tracks him down and kidnaps him. He escapes his captor only to find himself facing an automatic life sentence in a criminal justice system gone haywire. Thrown into events he neither controls nor understands, he demonstrates in his last heroic battle the depth of his inner resolve never to fail those he loves.The Sickles Compass, Stephen Woodfins fourth novel, is a fast-paced legal thriller, a poignant story of threadbare yet resilient love, and a scathing indictment of Americas refusal to make preparation for the coming tsunami: Alzheimers Disease.
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