UPDATED The Sheiks Desires Boxset by Elizabeth Lennox (Goodreads Author) download book epub

UPDATED The Sheiks Desires Boxset by Elizabeth Lennox (Goodreads Author) download book epub

UPDATED The Sheiks Desires Boxset by Elizabeth Lennox (Goodreads Author) download book epub

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Get four breath-taking sheik romances from two of your favorite authors - all in the same boxset!The Sheik’s Challenge by Elizabeth Lennox When she sings, she sounds like a cat in heat…but Ana, a brilliant mathematician, stuns and surprises Najid del Sabur, Sheik of Safir. Her bright eyes defy him and her smiles sooth him, while her body makes him lust for her. But can he catch her? Can he convince her that her past won’t hurt their future? The Prince’s Challenge by Elizabeth Lennox She can’t sit still. She’s beaten every nurse and doctor on her floor at cards. And she’s achingly beautiful. But is she friend or foe? Having been caught in the line of fire by a bullet meant for his brother, Prince Jual del Sabur, Minister of Defense for Safir can’t decide if the lovely Sonya was part of the assassination attempt or innocent and just caught by bad timing. All he knows is that he is definitely caught by her startling eyes and her soft sighs as he explores that question. The Sheikhs Untraditional Lover by Leslie NorthUltra-traditional and devastatingly handsome Prince Zafar Tadros thinks a business/sports complex is not what is needed for his country—but he believes in helping his family. With the region increasingly doing more business with Western companies, his father Sheikh Ahmadi has ordered this new business/sports complex to be a mix between West and East cultures.Zafar has decided he will work to integrate as much traditional elements as possible, but Belle Mooney, an innovative American architect has taken her direction from Zafars father and is going for innovations. The two clash over designs—and only one can win. The Sheikhs Stubborn Partner by Leslie North With the deadline fast approaching, playboy Prince Adyan Tadros must supervise the only construction company that will take on the job of building the business/sports center in less than six months. The meticulous Edna Abbey has taken over her fathers construction company while he recovers from a stroke, and the last thing she wants to do is rush the project. But with attraction between her and the Prince growing everyday, she may be glad for the distraction...
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