UPDATED The Secret Life of Stuff: A Manual for a New Material World by Julie Hill online how to look sale format

UPDATED The Secret Life of Stuff: A Manual for a New Material World by Julie Hill online how to look sale format

UPDATED The Secret Life of Stuff: A Manual for a New Material World by Julie Hill online how to look sale format

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Book description
Wouldnt you like:- Products that dont damage the environment?- A better way of life without agonising about your footprint?- To really know your stuff?Climate change? Biofuels? Nuclear power? Landfills? Recycling? Renewable energy? Environmental issues can feel overwhelming. But, in fact, it is simple; it all comes down to one thing - stuff.Our use of the Earths resources - whether a crisp packet or a cargo ship, a T-shirt or a wind turbine - has an inescapable impact on our future. In The Secret Life of Stuff, Julie Hill uncovers the origins and the true cost of what we use. Her inventory of over-consumption may shock but it is the first step towards overcoming waste. The misuse of stuff is not your fault, its a product of history. But it is only by understanding what has gone wrong, that everyone - politicians, business people and us as consumers - can create a new and better material world.
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