UPDATED The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature: The Collected Writings of Neal Pollack by Neal Pollack (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks ipad

UPDATED The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature: The Collected Writings of Neal Pollack by Neal Pollack (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks ipad

UPDATED The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature: The Collected Writings of Neal Pollack by Neal Pollack (Goodreads Author)

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Book description

Book description
Neal Pollack has been the Greatest Living American Writer across six decades, seven continents, and ten wives. He has won the Pulitzer Prize, the Booker Prize, the PEN/Faulkner Award (twice), and the Premio Simon Bolivar for contributions to the peoples struggle in Latin America. In 1985, Pollacks writing was declared beyond our meager standards by the Swedish AcademyWith the publication of The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature, the definitive collection of his work in English, a new generation of readers is set to discover nothing less than the ultimate meaning of human existence on earth. This astonishing work of fictitious nonfiction, the funniest and most creatively styled postmodernist confection of its time, has been universally praised as the best book ever written except for maybe Don Quixote and The Shipping News. The Anthology -- now expanded, updated, and thoroughly repaginated -- answers, once and for all, the question that has plagued American society in general, and literary critics in particular, since Neal Pollack was born: Who is Neal Pollack? At last, we know.
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