UPDATED The Legend of Abuela Rose: Pirates and Legends - Book One by D. Ann Nadeau how download online original purchase book

UPDATED The Legend of Abuela Rose: Pirates and Legends - Book One by D. Ann Nadeau how download online original purchase book

UPDATED The Legend of Abuela Rose: Pirates and Legends - Book One by D. Ann Nadeau how download online original purchase book

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Book description
Heart broken and afraid, Gabriella – the beautiful granddaughter of Abuela Rose – stands atop a windy mountain wondering what will become of her and the life she has always known. At the same time, floating on the ocean, surrounding that windy mountain, is a ship captained by a pirate with designs on both Gabriella and the seaside village she calls home. When the two collide, Gabriella must fight to save all that is important to her even if it means disguising herself to face down the evil Captain Eduardo. Written with purpose and heart, The Legend of Abuela Rose is the first in D. Ann Nadeau’s Pirates and Legends series. This first book tells the tale of a young girl, who after great loss, finds her life’s purpose. Young readers will enjoy the humor and adventure as they come to understand the importance of both kindness and service to others. The Spanish Version, La Leyenda de la Abuela Rosa, is now available on Kindle and Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Legend-Abuela-R.... About the Author D. Ann Nadeau is the best-selling author of So Many Miracles. Amazon reviewers offered these impressions of her writing talent: “Simply written and straight from the heart.…Her quirky humor throughout the book gave me a further glimpse into her personality and had me laughing at many of her stories.” “I believe there is a gift here in So Many Miracles for everyone. It shines a light on the human journey of darkness and light. We all have lives filled with miracles, we just need to notice them. D.Ann writes with humor and humility. Her first breakout published book will most certainly not be her last.” “Great read! I only wish it hadnt ended so soon.” Begin your adventure with Gabriella today, and you’ll wish this story would never end, as well.
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