UPDATED The Forest Bull by Terry Maggert (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

UPDATED The Forest Bull by Terry Maggert (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

UPDATED The Forest Bull by Terry Maggert (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

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Book description
alternate cover edition of ISBN: 9781484862209Three lovers. Two immortals. One mystery.When Ring Hardigan isn’t making sandwiches for, and with, his two partners, Waleska and Risa (they’re cool like that), he’s got a busy schedule doing the dirty work of sending immortals to the ever after. Wally and Risa provide linguistics, logistics, and finding the right place for him and his knife.A reclusive Baron from the timelost forests of Europe asks for their help—find a stolen collection of jewelry, and find the thief—his daughter Elizabeth, an immortal of purest evil who wants nothing less than control of Hell itself. With the help of a 2400 year old succubus hooker named Delphine, they might just live long enough to what is evil, who is human, and exactly who wants to reign in hell.
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