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The first few chapters are carried over from the previous book. I wasnt sure whether this was a new book or one I had read before. When the story finally gets going, Lady Constantina Roworth is being badgered by her mother to go to London for the Season and find a suitable husband. Connie knows she can never ever marry for a childhood accident has left her scarred. She would much rather stay and care for the wounded Captain Frank Ingrham. Hes an amusing companion and she enjoys badgering him to build up his strength. Frank enjoys the attentions of Lady Connie, maybe a little too much. At first hes too weak to really notice her beauty, but he likes her firm, yet gentle, manner of nursing. When Frank and his twin sister Fanny receive some shocking news, their lives change forever. Connie knows her brother is in love with Fanny and Frank sees Fanny has fallen in love with Felix. What are a devoted brother and sister to do? Help things along, of course. Frank and Fanny must go to Hampshire for a time and Felix, Connie and their little sister Vickie come along to help. Frank finds himself increasingly attracted to Connie. He knows he should send her away before its too late, for he can never marry owing to his disfigurement. Fanny needs a friend though, so hes torn over what to do. Then they meet with a blustery villain who wants to ruin all theyre working for.Once the original story gets started the plot is nicely paced and enjoyable enough. Its extremely predictable and if Vickie hadnt been sent home, SHE would have known what was going on. The plot is probably a little too predictable and common but I especially like the development of the romance. Connie experiences a sensual awakening without being aware of what shes feeling. The author keeps it clean and the reader can infer whats happening from the way the relationship builds and what Connie is feeling. I really liked that approach. The ending is sweet.The characters are well-suited to one another. Connie is sweet and a little shy but shes strong and brave. Shes fiercely loyal to those she considers her friends and she longs to be free of her domineering mother. The only thing I didnt like about her was that she is such a nodcock when it comes to her scar. Frank is charming. Hes witty and strong without being too overpowering. Hes a good soldier because he knows how to treat the enemy with respect and consider all aspects of the situation without making a move.The secondary characters add a lot of humor to the story. I especially liked hoydenish Vickie, a schoolroom miss with a love of gothic novels. Her plot seems tacked on and a bit unrealistic. Little Anita appears in this book as well, with a whole host of new Aunties and Uncles. Shes a charming little girl who rolls with the punches yet fears losing those she loves the most. The Duke of Oxshott also adds to the humorous plot elements, though not on purpose from his point-of-view. The rest of his family are drawn from the Regency canon of secondary characters. Theyre all here and it sort of feels like Downton Abbey goes gothic. Fans of Georgette Heyers Cotillion will recognize Dolph. Hes the exact same character with a different background. I dont really approve of plagiarism but I rather liked poor Dolph. Another side note: The Squires home is called Netherfield, though its in Hampshire not Hertfordshire.
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