UPDATED The Book Binding Handbook by Sue Doggett read txt how download audio prewiew

UPDATED The Book Binding Handbook by Sue Doggett read txt how download audio prewiew

UPDATED The Book Binding Handbook by Sue Doggett read txt how download audio prewiew

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Book description
The Book Binding Handbook shows readers how to make their own books with detailed step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and full-color illustrations. There are chapters dealing with simple folded books, pamphlet stitches, more complex multi-section bindings, and containers, all of which can be combined to create your own personalized journals, notebooks, albums, and portfolios. There are gallery sections included for inspiration, with examples of work by practicing book artists, binders, and students, which show ways in which the projects described throughout the book can be developed.The first half of this book deals with getting started, making your own decorative papers, basic techniques, and an introduction to different types of book forms, while the remaining sections are given over to specific projects. The projects involve many new structures and techniques, while at the same time utilizing and building upon skills acquired in the earlier chaptersThis book is intended as a springboard for ideas and creative development. If you need extra information on bookbinding books, and where to buy materials, there is a list of suppliers and useful addresses at the back of the book, and a selected bibliography for further reading.
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