UPDATED The Backyard Homestead Guide To Raising Farm Animals by Gail Damerow djvu price torrent apple online

UPDATED The Backyard Homestead Guide To Raising Farm Animals by Gail Damerow djvu price torrent apple online

UPDATED The Backyard Homestead Guide To Raising Farm Animals by Gail Damerow djvu price torrent apple online

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Book description
Enjoy a weekend breakfast featuring eggs, bacon, and honey from your own chickens, pigs, and bees, or a holiday meal with your own heritage-breed turkey as the main attraction. Gail Damerow covers everything you need to successfully raise your own farm animals, from selecting the right breeds to producing delicious fresh milk, cheese, honey, eggs, and meat. Even with just a small plot of land, you can become more self-sufficient, save money, and enjoy healthy, delicious animal products.
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