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UPDATED The African by William Conton bookshop value download online torrent

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Book description
In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s many countries in Africa sought and won their independence from countries like England, Germany, Italy, and France. Many of the new African leaders were young men who had studied in those European countries and had returned to lead their country to independence. The transitions were not always easy. In South Africa, for example, the white minority was entrenched and reluctant to share power and had put in all sorts of laws to suppress the blacks majority. The African written at the time that many countries in Africa were in the process of gaining their independence is a powerful novel that follows one young man named Kamara, who is given the opportunity to leave his village to study in Sagresa, the capital of Songhai. After passing his exams, he is sent from Sagresa to England to further his education. His family and the entire village are depending on him to succeed. After graduation, he is expected to return to his village and make a contribution. He travels to England, along with Samuel, who becomes his closest friend. Both are under the same obligation to their people. Kamara is fascinated with the English language and during spring break travels to other parts of the country, becomes involved with a young British lady and her brother, and almost loses his life.The novel goes on to chronicle Kamara’s life after his return home to the British colony and his growth from an innocent boy to a man capable to leading his country to independence. Told from first person point-of-view, the African presents the reader with insight into the problems confronting a country transitioning from dependence to independence and the reluctance of the colonial administration to give up power. At times the tone is formal and objective making it difficult for the reader to embrace the character and empathize with his situation. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to those interested in Africa at the time of its struggles from the perspective of an African.
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