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UPDATED The Acupuncture Handbook: How Acupuncture Works and How It Can Help You by Angela Hicks value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
Acupuncture is one of the most popular and widely accepted complementary therapies available to the general public. And yet many of us know little about it, what it can be used for, and how it works. The Acupuncture Handbook provides a comprehensive look at acupuncture: what it is, how it works, and what ailments it treats most successfully. Written for the layperson, this book covers everything you need to know from what its like to have treatment to how to find the right practitioner. Case studies show how acupuncture can heal or successfully treat a variety of ailments, from panic attacks to hot flushes, asthma and joint pains. Find out which of the Five Elements you are—and how this relates to your health and behaviour. Traditional Chinese Medicine is explained in simple terms, and the book includes the latest treatment methods such as auricular acupuncture, specialist treatments for pregnant women and postnatal care, and acupuncture for addictions, children, and for animals.
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