UPDATED That Which You Cannot Undo by uraneia fb2 online

UPDATED That Which You Cannot Undo by uraneia fb2 online

UPDATED That Which You Cannot Undo by uraneia fb2 online

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Book description
SterekBy twenty-eight, Stiles has resigned himself to a quiet life of working in his magic shop, selling Jackson Whittemore fart-inducing tea, and looking after his goddaughter. Its a good life. But the quiet goes to hell when his sister, Lydia, shows up with a crispy werewolf in her trunk and a bite mark on her shoulder, because hard on her heels comes the hottest person Stiles has ever seen, and he happens to be looking for his uncle.You know, the dead guy Stiles helped Lydia bury last night.(Or: the Practical Magic AU nobody asked for.)Words:28181 complete
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