UPDATED Switch On, Switch Off: Lets Read and Find out Science - 2 by Melvin A. Berger store online german torrent read

UPDATED Switch On, Switch Off: Lets Read and Find out Science - 2 by Melvin A. Berger store online german torrent read

UPDATED Switch On, Switch Off: Lets Read and Find out Science - 2 by Melvin A. Berger store online german torrent read

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Book description

Book description
The switch goes up — the light goes on, The switch goes down — the light goes off. It seems like magic! Its not — its electricity. But how does a light actually work? In this clear and simple book learn all about electricity, how its produced, and how it can be used. At the end youll learn how to conduct fun experiments that will let you generate electricity yourself! Annotation Explains how electricity is produced and transmitted, how to create electricity using an electrical wire and a magnet, how generators supply electricity for cities, and how electricity works in homes. Editorial Reviews For all those kids who ask parents how the light switch works and what electricity is, this is a great book. It explains how electrical energy is produced and offers a simple experiment that kids should be able to conduct. Berger next describes how this energy flows to each house and the source of this electrical energy. Diagrams depict the circuitry outside and inside a home and illustrate the function of switches and electrical outlets. A close up diagram shows a light bulb and how it works. There is even an experiment on the closing page that will let kids produce an electrical current. An excellent choice for home and school and a level 2 book in the Lets-Read-and-Find-Out Science series. 2001 (orig. 1989), HarperTrophy, $15.89 and $4.95. Ages 5 to 9. Reviewer:Marilyn Courtot About The Author: About The Author: Melvin Berger is the author of many classic LRFOs, including Germs Make Me Sick!, Oil Spills! and Why I Cough, Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn , as well as other nonfiction on the Harper backlist. He lives in East Hampton, NY.
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