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UPDATED Stray Toasters by Bill Sienkiewicz ebook finder bookstore amazon free

UPDATED Stray Toasters by Bill Sienkiewicz ebook finder bookstore amazon free

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Book description
Locked up for a crime he didnt commit, burnt out detective Egon Rustemagick is released from a high security mental institution in order to catch a serial-killing monster who is murdering and mutilating housewives and young children. Stray Toasters is the seminal graphic novel written and painted by one of the worlds most innovative and influential comic book artists, Bill Sienkiewicz. This dark, scary critically acclaimed tale mixes the sci-fi, noir, mystery and monster genres and sets them in a Blade Runner-like City of the Future. In this full-color definitive annotated volume, Sienkiewicz is at the top of his game. Contains new cover, cover gallery and a few surprises.
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