UPDATED Star Trek: 50 Years on the Final Frontier by Brian J. Robb (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

UPDATED Star Trek: 50 Years on the Final Frontier by Brian J. Robb (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

UPDATED Star Trek: 50 Years on the Final Frontier by Brian J. Robb (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

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Book description
For 50 years Star Trek has made a phenomenal cultural impact. Now more popular than ever with a new television series—Star Trek: Discovery—about to debut, the franchise continues to have cultural, social and political resonance around the world. Star Trek has changed not just the way we look at space but also our own world. It gave the culture a lexicon of catchphrases, from Beam me up, Scotty to Dr McCoys many complaints beginning Im a doctor, not a [...]! Much of the future technology depicted on Star Trek has come to feature in everyday life, from the communicator-like mobile phone to computer touch screens now taken for granted. Many of the worlds most prominent scientists were inspired to pursue their careers (as were many writers and artists) due to an early exposure to Star Trek. In Star Trek: 50 Years on the Final Frontier, expert Brian J Robb charts the rise and rise of the show and explores its impact our culture, from the first TV episode to the latest movie, Star Trek Beyond and the new TV show Star Trek: Discovery. [NOTE: Previously published in an older edition as A Brief History of Star Trek] ‘This is a truly excellent history of Star Trek. Totally unauthorized, but author Brian J. Robb was managing editor of The Official Star Trek Magazine for over a decade, so he knows his stuff. Lots of facts, but also lots of thoughtful analysis. . . . speaking as a life-long Trek fan, this one is well worth reading.’ — SF author Robert J. Sawyer ‘You won’t find star dates or names of redshirts killed off in the fourth episode in the third season of the original series (trick question, they were unnamed). What you will find is an honest and excellent source of information about the work that went into the series that is still surviving after 50 years.’ — Aidan Fortune, SF Crowsnest ‘Robb provides a no-holds barred look at Star Trek, its creator Gene Roddenberry and the cast that doesn’t sugar coat the challenges it faced throughout its existence, along with some interesting tales about the show and movies.’ — Aidan Fortune, SF Crowsnest
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