UPDATED Southern Rapture by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) text pdf amazon online english

UPDATED Southern Rapture by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) text pdf amazon online english

UPDATED Southern Rapture by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) text pdf amazon online english

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Book description
Lettie Mason, a proper yet headstrong Boston schoolteacher, journeyed to a small Louisiana town after the Civil War to expose the wretched rogue whod killed her brother. The man was known as Thorn--a man with a reputation for both murder and mercy. She was sure he had killed her brother, but she learned that he also helped save the homes and lives of many townspeople. How could she reconcile these two different images of the same man--and how could she accept the overwhelming desire, the thrilling passion, and the reckless abandon he aroused deep within her?From the Paperback edition.
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