UPDATED Some Possible Solutions by Helen Phillips (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

UPDATED Some Possible Solutions by Helen Phillips (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

UPDATED Some Possible Solutions by Helen Phillips (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

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Book description
What if your perfect hermaphrodite match existed on another planet? What if you could suddenly see through everybodys skin to their organs? What if you knew the exact date of your death? What if your city was filled with doppelgangers of you?Forced to navigate these bizarre scenarios, the characters search for solutions to the problem of how to survive in an irrational, infinitely strange world. In dystopias that are exaggerated versions of the world in which we live, these characters strive for intimacy and struggle to resolve their fraught relationships with each other, with themselves, and with their place in the natural world. We meet a wealthy woman who purchases a high-tech sex toy in the shape of a man, a rowdy, moody crew of college students who resolve the energy crisis, and orphaned twin sisters who work as futuristic strippers--and we see that no one is quite who they appear.
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