UPDATED Shemale Lesbian Gangbang - Robin by Crystal Veeyant (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

UPDATED Shemale Lesbian Gangbang - Robin by Crystal Veeyant (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

UPDATED Shemale Lesbian Gangbang - Robin by Crystal Veeyant (Goodreads Author) original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
Librarian Note: Updated Edition of ASIN: B008KNXEMA.This is the story of Darla, a 24 year old stripper riding cross country with three shemales—Latina, black and redhead—who are going to Los Angeles to begin porn careers. In exchange for a free ride Darla has agreed to shoot porn videos with the shemales along the way.They pickup Robin, an 18 year old runaway in rural New Jersey. The pretty, bisexual lad will do ANYTHING to go to California with the girls. The kicker is that he and Darla look so similar, it raises many sexy possibilities! The two of them star in a porn video, shot in a deserted public park and mixing it up with the well-hung shemales.NOTICE TO BUYER: This book is an excerpt of Shemale Lesbian Gangbang Girl intended to introduce new readers to the unique, hardcore transgender erotica of Crystal Veeyant. If you already own that book there is no reason to buy this one.Warning: this story is erotic fiction with explicit descriptions of sex acts. It is intended only for adult readers. It employs themes of shemale sex, lesbian sex, pseudo, bisexuality and group sex. Readers uninterested in these subjects should read something else. This story is just under 10,000 words.
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