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A team of CIA contractors travel to South East Asia to investigate a series of bombings that have taken the lives of Tier One Advance Force Operators. When the mission fails, intelligence specialist Sean Havens is sent to the jungles of Burma to determine the missing soldiers’ whereabouts. On the ground, Havens learns of an unlikely axis of Russia, China, and Iran that may have plans beyond illicit trafficking. But is this a ruse to distract analysts from assessing global financial movements and political elections? Out of his element and looking to disrupt the looming global threats, Havens struggles to use his adaptability, guile, and tradecraft, as his personal losses wrestle for attention. His actions may have further consequences when the Shadow Masters learn of his meddling sending Havens again into the deadly game of secret societies and a New World Order. From Chicago and Fayetteville to Burma, Thailand, and New York, Death continues to follow Havens and those in his wake.
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