UPDATED Rotten Ralphs Show and Tell by Jack Gantos (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

UPDATED Rotten Ralphs Show and Tell by Jack Gantos (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

UPDATED Rotten Ralphs Show and Tell by Jack Gantos (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
Sarah, Ralphs owner, needs to bring something to school for show and tell. At first, she decides to bring her violin, but Ralph has broken the strings. Next, she goes to her room to get her stamp collection--perfect for show and tell. But Ralph has licked all of the stamps and stuck them all over his fur. Finally, Sarah tells Ralph that she wants to bring him to school, so he can show her class how smart he is by writing his ABCs. All the way to school Ralph is on his best behavior: he doesnt stick out his tongue, he doesnt trip anyone with his tail. When its time for show and tell one of the students is giving a presentation on their ant farm. Ralph knocks it over and the ants go everywhere. Next, a child is showing a favorite home movie, and Ralph uses the projector to create a scary shadow monster. Now that Ralph is really warmed up, he starts to bang the erasers together and covers everyone with chalk. Then he scratches the chalkboard with his claws and hurts everyones ears. When its Sarahs turn to present, Ralph tries to write his ABCs, but he gets them all mixed up. To avoid embarrassment, he rings the dismissal bell early. As punishment for his behavior, Sarahs teacher puts a dunce cap on Ralph. Ralph feels like he let Sarah down and worst of all he feels stupid. In the end, Sarah reassures him, Oh Ralph, Youre smart enough for me. I feel that the ending sends a good message to children. Even though you make mistakes, people will still love and appreciate you. A bit didactic and sweet, but only on the final page. Rubel has gained confidence and precision as an artist. I love how she imagines Ralphs antics.
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