UPDATED Rosellini: Immigrants Son and Progressive Governor by Payton Smith read txt on iphone

UPDATED Rosellini: Immigrants Son and Progressive Governor by Payton Smith read txt on iphone

UPDATED Rosellini: Immigrants Son and Progressive Governor by Payton Smith read txt on iphone

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Book description
Albert Dean Rosellini served two terms as governor of the state of Washington, from 1957 through 1964. In an era now commonly thought of as conservative and complacent, he was an activist leader whose main causes are mirrored in contemporary politics. In this portrait of Albert D. Rosellinis early life and active career in politics, Payton Smith depicts an energetic, pragmatic statesman in a region just moving into political and economic maturity. More than any other person, Rosellini was responsible for the long overdue restructuring of the states prison and mental health systems, introducing both fiscal and human accountability. His interest in transportation led to the Evergreen Point, Hood Canal, Astoria-Megler, and Goldendale bridges as well as an expanded highway system. His reforms in state budgeting brought the states financial decisions into the daylight, making detailed scrutiny and accountability possible for the first time, while his work on commerce and trade helped bring the state into its modern position as a player in the Pacific Rim economies. He was a legislative father of the University of Washingtons medical/dental schools, and his support of higher education enriched the states universities and colleges and created a sound, comprehensive junior college system. A warm, caring man with a genuine empathy for people, Rosellini played out his political career against the evolving attitudes toward ethnicity and class in Washington State and the nation. As a shrewd politician, he was quick to utilize the power of the media to shape issues and campaigns. Always controversial, he was suspected of corruption and illegal ties to liquor and gambling, simply on the basis ofhis Italian background. Yet in many areas he left a legacy that has allowed the state to prosper and flourish. The story of Rosellinis strengths and weaknesses, and how they contributed to his success as a governor detracted from his ability to exercise political leadership, is
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