UPDATED Restraint by James Luceno text reading without registering read acquire

UPDATED Restraint by James Luceno text reading without registering read acquire

UPDATED Restraint by James Luceno text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
On the planet Orsis, a young Maul is being trained in the ways of combat via the Orsis Academy. His Master, Darth Sidious, and his Academy overseer, Trezza, force him to rely solely on his own physical abilities rather than in his power in the Force. However, Mauls reluctance gives way to few displays of Force power to his fellow combat students, such as the Mandalorian Meltch Krakko. Krakko, who hates Maul for concealing his abilities and being so deceitful about it, travels to Mauls homeworld of Dathomir to inform Mother Talzin of Mauls whereabouts, as he was a Nightbrother whose own mother, Kycina, gave him away to an unknown but influential man years earlier when Maul was an infant. Talzin travels with a bodyguard escort over to Orsis to abduct Maul and bring him back to Dathomir as a slave. However, at the same time, Krakko had made a deal with a warlord named Osika Kirske, who wants to abduct the Dathomirian women and place them in the Cauldron on Rattatak so they could become part of his army one day.Just after Talzin and her bodyguards abduct Maul and bring him up to the Orsis Orbital Facility where they can travel the rest of the way back to Dathomir, Osika Kirskes men attack them, killing one of Talzins three personal bodyguards and injuring Talzin herself. But thanks to Maul, who believes that Talzin and her guards, as well as the mercenaries, are a test conducted by Darth Sidious, they manage to fight past the warlords mercenaries and make it over to Talzins ship. With several of the mercenaries dead, and Kirske and his surviving men escaping in the ensuing conflict, Sidious appears before Maul and the Dathomiri women, where Sidious makes it clear that Maul is his and he will not return to Dathomir as a slave. With that, Talzin and her guards leave with nothing gained, and in the aftermath, Sidious informs Maul of the Sith and officially accepts him as an apprentice. His first mission as Darth Maul: kill everyone at the Orsis Academy, since the likes of Krakko, who Sidious informs Maul as being the one who sold him out to Talzin, and Trezza know too much of Mauls nature. After Sidious assures Maul that he will deal with Kirske himself, Darth Maul reluctantly accepts the mission down to the academy.
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