UPDATED Quiet Bunnys Many Colors by Lisa McCue read store amazon sale mobile

UPDATED Quiet Bunnys Many Colors by Lisa McCue read store amazon sale mobile

UPDATED Quiet Bunnys Many Colors by Lisa McCue read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
Quiet Bunnys Many Colors is a wonderful book to celebrate the arrival of Spring. Quiet Bunny sees the many colors that make up Spring and then notices that his own color is not as vibrant. Everywhere he sees the yellowest yellow flowers, the bluest blueberries, the greenest green frogs, and much more. Each color, Quiet Bunny tries to become in silly ways such as rolling around in a patch of blueberries. In the end, Quiet Bunny spots an owl who is the same color as he is and realizes that while each color is wonderful on their own, they all are beautiful individually and contribute to how wonderful Spring is. Quiet Bunny is perfect just the color he is. In such a simple childrens book many themes can be learned. The most obvious being the diversity of Spring and its arrival. Another theme that may not be as noticeable is learning to love yourself for who you are. Quiet Bunny comes to love his own color in the end, just the way he is. Lisa McCue does an amazing job filling each page with vibrant colors and images that are a treat to look at - each page is a work of art in itself. You will find it impossible to not find this book cute, loving, endearing, and fun. You will also find it hard to not become excited about the arrival of Spring.
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