UPDATED Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You (Great Courses) by Peter M. Vishton audio how read android book windows

UPDATED Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You (Great Courses) by Peter M. Vishton audio how read android book windows

UPDATED Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You (Great Courses) by Peter M. Vishton audio how read android book

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Book description
What if you aren’t as in control of your actions as you think you are? What if your subconscious is driving your decisions without your approval? Is there a way to “hack” your brain to perform better, live healthier, and break your bad habits? We all can think of things about ourselves we’d like to change, but as neuroscientists are coming to realize, changing our behaviors isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Many of our everyday decisions are rooted in the subconscious, which means we have to “outsmart” our own brains to see results.
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