UPDATED Orbus by Neal Asher (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

UPDATED Orbus by Neal Asher (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

UPDATED Orbus by Neal Asher (Goodreads Author) ios original read iBooks find

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3 Stars Orbus, book three in the Spatterjay trilogy is a far fall from the wonders and sheer awesomeness of the first book. I confess that due to my love of the genre that this was more like a 4 star read to me that I get had to take away from my score because it does not compare to the start of the series. I absolutely loved books one and two with the first one being a knock out. The world of Spatterjay is a science fiction and technological dream. The Hoopers are one of the greatest fictional characters ever created... Orbus is a very narrowly scoped book that really can summed up in just a few sentences. A very large and unkillable man, a sentinent war drone, and a sidekick come to head against two extremely genetically mutated bugs/squids/men/machines in a bad place called the Graveyards. They all find out that their is a really, really,really big bad out there that appears to be coming back. Gun fights ensue. Killings, maiming, and mutilating also occur. Orbus is an amazing larger than life Hooper that is a great addition to the series. The Old Captains should have many more novels written about them as they are sheer awesomeness. Sniper is back and is just as bad ass and wise cracking as before. The Prador are scary, gross, and really freaking cool.I love Neal Asher and cannot wait to read more of his books as there are many. The world of Spatterjay is a must read for ALL science fiction lovers. Unfortunately, this one is not necessary to read to appreciate the world that Asher has built.
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