UPDATED Opening the Door by D.C. Williams (Goodreads Author) download book txt

UPDATED Opening the Door by D.C. Williams (Goodreads Author) download book txt

UPDATED Opening the Door by D.C. Williams (Goodreads Author) download book txt

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Book description
Hmmm …. I could care less but for those interested this is not really a romance per se and there is no HEA. This is a blink and you miss it story. Thats not only an assessment of the brevity of the story but of the what and how it tells it.Its like an anecdote a stranger would tell you in a bar during the wee hours and after one too many drinks about once-upon-a-time when he was young. The story takes place in 1983 NYC. A thirty something Episcopalian priest meets a young man thru a friend and strikes up a friendship that culminates in more. So much was going on in the gay community at the time that this seemed like a perfect opportunity to explore that, but besides a perfunctory mention of AIDS (which Im not sure was yet named such) everything else is barely touched on. And by everything else I mean what did Jim, the priest, feel being attracted to and being with a man for the first time. Micah, the young man, feels more alive even though we only see him thru Jims eyes. Jim tells the story in an almost detached manner, as if this were something that happened to somebody else or had very little impact on his life. It felt like one of thin summer curtains grazing your skin when a soft breeze blows on it. If I were feeling peevish and critical, which I am, Id say that Jim is the classic unreliable narrator. Lying or minimizing the impact of that experience in his life perhaps because he subsequently proceeded to live an emotionally poorer and diminished life in order to fit a societal mode. (view spoiler)[The woman he ends up married is barely mentioned, much less described or named, whereas Micah is described lovingly from the moment Jim first sets eyes on him. (hide spoiler)]
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