UPDATED Nobodys Hero by Melanie Harvey (Goodreads Author) without signing online read shop phone

UPDATED Nobodys Hero by Melanie Harvey (Goodreads Author) without signing online read shop phone

UPDATED Nobodys Hero by Melanie Harvey (Goodreads Author) without signing online read shop phone

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Book description
When Rick Ranière, an underground white rapper with misogynistic tendencies—and the songs to prove it—runs into Carolyn Coffman, the best-selling biracial author of Fighting the Pheromone Factor, he knows she’s like no woman he’s ever met. Carolyn knows she really needs to stay upwind. But the canyons of Manhattan keep shifting the breeze—and Rick’s policy of never trusting a woman. In the end, Rick’s only female fan who refuses to sleep with him might just have the answer to his writer’s block, and the man who sounds all wrong might just be everything Carolyn ever wanted. When an unexpected burst of publicity lands Rick on the iTunes’ charts and brands Carolyn a hypocrite to her readers, she can either save her career or this relationship. When you got a choice, Rick had told her, you really ought to make the right goddamn one. Or you could lose everything you ever wanted.
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