UPDATED My Not-So-Still Life by Liz Gallagher (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

UPDATED My Not-So-Still Life by Liz Gallagher (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

UPDATED My Not-So-Still Life by Liz Gallagher (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
Vanessa is wise beyond her years. Shes never really fit in at school, where all the kids act and dress the same. Shes an artist who expresses her talent in the wacky colors she dyes her hair, her makeup and clothes. Shes working on her biggest art project, and counting the days until shes grown up and can really start living. That adult world seems closer when Vanessa gets her dream job at the art supply store, Palette, where she worships the couple who runs it, Oscar and Maye. And shes drawn to a mysterious guy named James, who leads her into new, sometimes risky situations. Is she ready for this world, or not?
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