UPDATED My First Seven Years (Plus a Few More) by Dario Fo book ios full version full pdf

UPDATED My First Seven Years (Plus a Few More) by Dario Fo book ios full version full pdf

UPDATED My First Seven Years (Plus a Few More) by Dario Fo book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
Fo, Dario. MY FIRST SEVEN YEARS (plus a few more). (2006). ****. Where have I been? Here’s a man – an Italian no less – who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1997 and I hadn’t even heard of him. Fo began working in the theater as an actor and a comic in 1951. He then went on to write plays of a satirical nature, mostly directed against the establishment. It is these plays for which he became famous. This is a book of memoirs, though it quickly eludes its title. The author tells us: “I remember Bruno Bettelheim, author of a revolutionary theory on the formation of the character and intellect of the individual, saying: ‘All I ask is that you give me the first seven years of the life of a man. It’s all there; you can keep the rest.’” So Fo starts off telling about his years growing up north of Milan, where his father was a rail station manager of a station where the trains rarely stopped. The villagers were typically glad of that because they could then get on with their lives. Young Dario was strongly influenced by the tales and legends related by the villagers, but especialy by his grandfather and father. These were the basis for his subsequent output in the theater, and also provided him with a great many of his acting and comedic skills, as he soaked up the art of story-telling – especially tall story-telling. The chapters are not chronological, but all tell a specific tale that stuck in his memory. He is very soon past his seventh year; in fact, his memory expands to his role in the Italian army during the Second World War. He is obviously a man who sees humor in everything and believes that it is an essential part of life. You get to meet many of his influences and grow to feel a great affection for them, but it is their stories that are important to Dario. I found this book to be both entertaining and life-affirming, and fully intend to try to find some of his plays next. Recommended.
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