UPDATED MAR, Vol. 1 by Nobuyuki Anzai book mobi online

UPDATED MAR, Vol. 1 by Nobuyuki Anzai book mobi online

UPDATED MAR, Vol. 1 by Nobuyuki Anzai book mobi online

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Book description
MAR: Marcehn Awakens Romance volume 1 uses fairy tales in a unique way, which is sadly canceled out by the characters being recycled from the mangakas other series Flame of Recca and a rushed beginning.Ginta Toramizu has had the same dream one hundred and two times. He is a gamer with average grades, poor eyesight, and lacks athleticism. His love of fantasy and his... average-ness? Glasses? The fact that he interrupts classes by talking in his sleep? lead to him being teased by his peers. The only person who doesnt tease him is Koyuki. One day a talking door appears in the middle of his classroom and gives him the chance to enter the world of his dreams. Ginta quickly discards Koyuki and enters the other world.While characters entering fairy tale worlds isnt an uncommon story idea, Nobuyuki Anzai make his story stand out by giving it a Dragon Ball feel to it. Its less about the fairy tales themselves, and more about Gintas adventures and battles. The art is good; it follows the shonen style of art. Its a story that can be enjoyed, but still has flaws.The biggest flaw would have to be the rushed beginning. Gintas home world is not well flushed out. Hes picked on, but the reason behind it isnt fully developed and Ginta doesnt seem to care at all. The bullying is there just so that Ginta has a closer bond with Koyuki, thus building the romance between them. The only problem with this ploy is 1.) Unless Ginta travels between worlds or Koyuki joins him on the journey, their relationship will not develop beyond this, and 2.) because the bullying is lackluster and Ginta doesnt care, it detracts from any motivation Ginta may have to go to another world.Though Ginta doesnt have a prefect-life he certainly isnt in distress. He has a loving mother, friend/girlfriend, and so many video games that his vision has gone bad from playing them. So why abandon it? It sounds like a good life. Curiosity about this dream-world? Its not a bad motivation, but the manga doesnt build it up. It starts to, but a few more pages or scenes would have helped (there are only fifteen pages dedicated the normal world). The other weakness of this manga is that the characters are copies of characters from Flame of Recca. It doesnt take away from the overall story, but for someone who has read Anzais other series it can be a downer. This is because the characters are not just physical copies (not uncommon in manga) but they share the same personalities. To be fair though, some of the personalities are good: Recca and Gintas impulsive and energetic personalities are entertaining and it is nice to have strong, impish female characters like Dorothy and Fuku. The only flaw with these characters is that other than a few physical changes (hair color/length) there are exact duplicates. MAR has its good points and bad, and if you are someone who enjoys shonen manga, action, adventure,and fantasy then this may be the series for you.
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