UPDATED Luke by Kathi S. Barton (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

UPDATED Luke by Kathi S. Barton (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

UPDATED Luke by Kathi S. Barton (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

> READ BOOK > Luke



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Book description
Luke Emerson has big shoes to fill. He doesn’t know how to be a Mayor of their small town, but with the help of his assistant, Allen, he is damn sure going to give it a good try. From what little he’s seen of the town government it’s corrupt and he’s bound and determined to do something about it.When they receive a call that Allen’s sister Jack has been critically injured in a fire, Allen falls apart. His sister is all he has left.Luke goes with him to the hospital and as soon as Luke catches her scent, he knows she’s his mate, but the doctor is giving her less than a three percent chance to survive…“Can you save her?” Luke looked over at Allen, who was staring at his sister. “I know what you are. I mean, I think I know what you are. You can’t live in our town and not hear things. Are you?”“Am I what?” Allen looked at him, and Luke felt as if he were staring at his very soul. Neither of them blinked, and when Allen finally looked away, Luke felt as if he’d been released from a tight hug. “You want to know an answer to something, then ask me. I’m not going to assume anything right now.”Luke has two choices: convert her to a wolf, or watch her die. He doesn’t even know her, but he can’t lose his mate…he’s just found her. But to convert her without her permission…there could be consequences…
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