UPDATED Lord and Lady Bunny--Almost Royalty! by Polly Horvath writer offline author sale download

UPDATED Lord and Lady Bunny--Almost Royalty! by Polly Horvath writer offline author sale download

UPDATED Lord and Lady Bunny--Almost Royalty! by Polly Horvath writer offline author sale download

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Book description
In this hilarious sequel to Mr. and Mrs. Bunny—Detectives Extraordinaire!—that even includes a guest appearance by J. K. Rowling a.k.a. Oldwhatshername—Madeleine wants nothing more than to save money for college, but her impractical, ex-hippie parents are broke. When the family unexpectedly inherits a sweet shoppe in England that has the potential to earn serious profit, they see an answer to all their problems. . . . Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Bunny—formerly of the detecting persuasion—are looking for new professions, and Mrs. Bunny decides she would like to be Queen. Soon they, too, are headed across the pond. Brought to you by National Book Award-winning author Polly Horvath and Caldecott Medal–winning illustrator Sophie Blackall, the adventures of Madeleine and the Bunnys are zanier than ever.
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