UPDATED Knit with Debbie Macomber: The Cedar Cove Collection by Debbie Macomber (Goodreads Author) audio store read iphone book

UPDATED Knit with Debbie Macomber: The Cedar Cove Collection by Debbie Macomber (Goodreads Author) audio store read iphone book

UPDATED Knit with Debbie Macomber: The Cedar Cove Collection by Debbie Macomber (Goodreads Author) audio store read iphone book

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Book description
Debbie Macombers fans know that the fascinating characters in her fiction stories are often knitters. To help you experience the rewards of knitting, Leisure Arts is delighted to offer this companion publication to Debbies Cedar Cove series. This book is filled with knitting patterns, excerpts from Debbies books, and four delicious recipes. Youll also find patterns for four sample blocks that you can make to contribute to Debbies favorite nonprofit organization, Warm Up America! 10 Projects: A Spot for Pets (pet bed), Chemo Turban, Scarf Exchange (one scarf seven ways), Charlottes Kitchen Cozies (potholder and hot pad), Felted Knitting Tote, Toms Lap Robe, Baby Blanket, Puget Sound Afghan, Jolenes Pullover, and Leifs Sweater
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