UPDATED Kinsmans Oath by Susan Krinard page reader itunes read touch

UPDATED Kinsmans Oath by Susan Krinard page reader itunes read touch

UPDATED Kinsmans Oath by Susan Krinard page reader itunes read touch

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Book description
This book would have made a really great science fiction novel with a lesser romance component, frankly. The world-building is incredibly detailed and the epic conflict is amazingly set up. Reading it as a romance novel, it actually worked really well - yes, okay, love at first sight, etc. etc., and then bam, plot twist. At that point I was hooked. Why havent I heard of this before? I wondered.Well, because thats the point where the book kind of went all pear-shaped. Plot twist is followed by plot twist - who is doing what for what reason is no longer apparent at all and were just kind of clinging grimly for dear life as the plot barrels along, twisting and turning as it goes - and, while the romance reaches its resolution, the science fiction plot does not. (view spoiler)[The war between humanity and the shaauri is not over, the Kinsmen still loom as a threat - although there is a clear set-up to find good Kinsmen - and attention is drawn, repeatedly, to the fact that Ronan and Damons parents have been missing for twenty-four years but not confirmed dead, leaving a large window open for them to reappear. (hide spoiler)]
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