UPDATED Japan Sinks: A Novel about Earthquakes by Sakyo Komatsu reader touch review online sale

UPDATED Japan Sinks: A Novel about Earthquakes by Sakyo Komatsu reader touch review online sale

UPDATED Japan Sinks: A Novel about Earthquakes by Sakyo Komatsu reader touch review online sale

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Book description
A solitary fishing boat anchors for the night by a small island to the south of Japan. The next morning, the fishermen find themselves in the middle of an empty sea. Overnight, the island has vanished without a trace. The Japanese weather service sends a vessel to investigate. They find convincing evidence of a horrifying geological change. Thrust into existence millions of years ago when a strong shift in the underlying plates tore it away from the Asian mainland, the Japanese Archipelago has been moving inexorably toward an unseen force in the Japan Trench, and is set on a collision course that threatens to pull the economic superpower under--literally.
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