UPDATED Is God a Delusion?: What is the Evidence? by Nicky Gumbel book text online view format

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Mostly well thought out, although there are a few holes in his arguments. While Dawkins is a biologist with little to no understanding of theology and philosophy, Gumbel has studied theology and has a basic understanding of science. His arguments are mostly sound and show a general maturity which Dawkins doesnt seem to do.A common theme among books of God Delusion rebuttals is their very short length. The main reason given in these books (Im on my second now) is that Dawkins has very few arguments but needlessly wraps them up in rhetoric to make them sound more impressive. This book in fact features two rebuttals: one by Gumbel and a shorter one by theologian Graham Tomlin. Tomlins arguments are occasionally stronger than Gumbels but overall I think Gumbels argument is better-built, particularly on the science side of things. One gets the feeling Tomlins rebuttal was included to pad the thing out.An appendix at the end, titled Who is Jesus?, is perhaps the best part of the book. It describes who Jesus was (perhaps unsurprisingly), why the New Testament hasnt been distorted and altered since the time of its writing. All argued splendidly, although for a full apologetic plug for Christianity it wouldve done well to explain why the New Testament itself was reliable (instead of just why it remains reliable).This is the only God Delusion rebuttal I have thus far read, and I am not very familiar with theological works (or indeed The God Delusion itself). It mostly seems well-reasoned, but somehow I suspect there will be more rigorous rebuttals out there.
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