UPDATED In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner by Elizabeth George (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

UPDATED In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner by Elizabeth George (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

UPDATED In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner by Elizabeth George (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

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I know who done it! I know who done it! HA!Another favorite author and detective discovered compliments of PBS Masterpiece Mystery. I have not been reading the Inspector Lynley series in order. This is because I am having difficulties coming across used copies of the author. I know that sounds cheap, but I am cheap. And, it seems a tragedy of tragedies to spend money on shipping for a paperback book. So, I haunt the library cast-off book store where the lovely volunteer keeps her eyes open for any Elizabeth George coming through the stacks of contributions. I truly believe the author is fully worth the $1 I spend per book.George is one of those mystery writers that is good at the details. There is no anger as a result of facts and clues added at the last minute. The clues are there for you to follow the leads. Her writing does take you down some twists that can make you think you know who is guilty only to have the suspect vindicated. But, that is the fun of a mystery, is it not?Inspector Lynley of the books is a much more complicated man than the character depicted in the BBC series. The BBC Lynley seems to have it more together while coming off as a bit of a prig, while Georges Lynley is more complicated and introspective. BBC Lynley is always right, even while he treats his wife somewhat badly, while Georges Lynley admits when he is wrong and at least tries to treat his wife well. Lynleys BBC wife is not as strong as Georges character, and Georges DI Havers is a much more intriguing mess of a character than the BBC Havers. Georges books are long...but great companions for long plane trips with several transfers. My one criticism: Watermelon Pop-Tarts?? (O_o) Eeeewwwww!
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