UPDATED In Hospital and Camp: The Civil War Through the Eyes of Its Doctors and Nurses by Harold Elk Straubing (Editor) read fb2 on iphone

UPDATED In Hospital and Camp: The Civil War Through the Eyes of Its Doctors and Nurses by Harold Elk Straubing (Editor) read fb2 on iphone

UPDATED In Hospital and Camp: The Civil War Through the Eyes of Its Doctors and Nurses by Harold Elk Straubing (Editor) read fb2

> READ BOOK > In Hospital and Camp: The Civil War Through the Eyes of Its Doctors and Nurses

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Book description

Book description
An excellent collection of 1st hand accounts of the civil war from the surgeons, nurses and other medical staff that supported the war. They offer a unique perspective that doesnt focus on military strategy or fighting, but rather on the physical and emotional damage of combat and what it was like to face the challenges the battles created. The excerpts are mostly from the Union side, with just a few insights from the Confederate lines. The chapters from Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman and Frederick Law Olmstead were an opportunity to see another side of these well known public figures.
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