UPDATED Hot Silk by Sharon Page (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

UPDATED Hot Silk by Sharon Page (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

UPDATED Hot Silk by Sharon Page (Goodreads Author) iphone value francais audio book

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Book description
Absolute SurrenderTwo years ago, with her reputation already in jeopardy, Miss Grace Hamilton gave herself to a powerful, compelling stranger in one night of delicious, quivering ecstasy. Wild, bold, and wickedly sensual, Devlin Sharpe is a highwayman and pirate - a scoundrel whose world is ruled solely by pleasure. And now he has returned to claim Grace again, vowing to make up for the time theyve lost, to take her to the heights of carnal abandon and show her the exquisite bliss of exploring her darkest, most decadent fantasies...
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