UPDATED Homemade Baby Food Pure & Simple: Your Complete Guide to Preparing Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious Meals for Baby and Toddler by Connie Linardakis pdf online free

UPDATED Homemade Baby Food Pure & Simple: Your Complete Guide to Preparing Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious Meals for Baby and Toddler by Connie Linardakis pdf online free

UPDATED Homemade Baby Food Pure & Simple: Your Complete Guide to Preparing Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious Meals for Baby and

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Book description
This book is not very useful to parents looking for advice on how to simply mix up purees for their baby. I was enraged before the third chapter. The second chapter is called Breast, Bottle, or Both? It starts with a little story about a VERY smug asshole named Angela who nurses her baby and puts her back in the bassinet, thinking about how night-time feedings are SO easy when you breastfeed. Then the chapter talks only about the benefits of breastfeeding. Yeah, I breastfeed, good for me, etc, but night-time feedings were still exhausting. And what if I couldnt, or didnt want to? That chapter would be useless to me, other than making me feel worse about my choice or circumstances. It also contains a little quip about another asshole named Natalie who cries because the nurse insists that she at least try to breastfeed, even though she isnt comfortable with it, and then later happily pats her chest when her husband asks if she packed the babys food. WTF. There was not a section called benefits of using a bottle, at all. I cant believe it was so blatantly one-sided.Finally, I got to the information on making baby food, and while it was nice to know I dont have to cook banana before mashing it, my eyebrows went up when I saw that peanut butter was said to be okay at eight months, if thinned with breast milk. Peanut butter, being a very common allergenic, is okay at about a year, not eight months. This made me distrustful of the other information in the book, particularly when they suggested that babys first birthday cake be frosted with peanut-butter honey frosting. Seriously? I know a one year old can finally have peanut butter and honey, but I dont know if both should be given to them the second they turn one.
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