UPDATED Heart of a Hero by James Cox (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

UPDATED Heart of a Hero by James Cox (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

UPDATED Heart of a Hero by James Cox (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

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Book description
Be Warned: m/m sex, rimming, sex toys, spanking, bondageHe made it to paradise on a lie...Kallen is a hero. He single-handed ended the war. At least, that’s what everyone thinks. The truth is that he was at the right place at the right time. As the hero, he gets a room in the heavenly triple towers and enough mouths on his body to please him every hour of every day. However, guilt and danger rise when a man starts searching for the truth. When the investigator is this sexy, he may just blow his secret, among other things. Lorn is furious when the spy among them is named as his dead younger brother. He is determined to find the truth of what happened even if it means destroying the nation’s hero or the man he’s slowly falling for.In Kallen’s world, bravery will get a person killed, so how exactly is he supposed to prove to Lorn that he has the heart of a hero?http://www.evernightpublishing.com/he...23,920 words
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