UPDATED Hades by Kamery Solomon (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop without signing full version

UPDATED Hades by Kamery Solomon (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop without signing full version

UPDATED Hades by Kamery Solomon (Goodreads Author) kindle online bookshop without signing full version

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Book description
What would you do if you discovered the world you thought you knew was nothing like youd been lead to believe? Katrina Saul has had a rough couple of months. Instead of starting out on the adventure of her life after graduating high school, shes been dealing with the nasty divorce of her parents, breaking up with her boyfriend, and working as the unofficial bouncer at a bar. When an angry customer comes back for revenge, shes saved by Erebos, the Greek Titan of myth. Unfortunately, a simple thank you wont fulfill her debt in his mind. Thrust into the Underworld, with a mission that could potentially end life as she knows it, will she be able to fool the God of Death himself? Or will Hades discover her and ruin everything?
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