UPDATED Gem X by Nicky Singer (Goodreads Author) kindle pdf book macbook mobile

UPDATED Gem X by Nicky Singer (Goodreads Author) kindle pdf book macbook mobile

UPDATED Gem X by Nicky Singer (Goodreads Author) kindle pdf book macbook mobile




Book description

Book description
This is a terrible book. Seriously. Its one redeeming quality is, weirdly, how terrible it is. Its so bad that its funny, and thats the only reason I kept reading it after the first 25 pages. Maxo Strang: Maxo Strang is a perfect teenager who discovers a crack in his face - or at least thats how they lure you in. (view spoiler)[ Its really a wrinkle, and he just didnt know what it was. So after that it gets kind of boring. Peoples skin cracking like porcelain is interesting. Genetically engineered teenagers developing wrinkles is not. (hide spoiler)]
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