UPDATED Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler author offline read ebook txt

UPDATED Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler author offline read ebook txt

UPDATED Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler author offline read ebook txt

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Book description
A paranormal thriller from Carnegie Medal winner Tim Bowler! It starts with a phone call. Im dying, a voice tells Dusty. Who is he and how has he gotten her cell number? Dusty wants no part of this strange boy . . . until he begins saying things that only someone who knows her intimately could say things that lead her to think he knows the whereabouts of her brother, who disappeared over a year ago. Suddenly drawn in, Dusty very much wants to save this boy. Trouble is, she cannot find him. Part human, part spirit, he wont let himself be found. He is too dangerous, he says. There are mobs of people who agree and who want to see this boy dead . . . and who will hurt anyone who stands in their way. A gripping, hair-raising mystery about a boy not of this world, and a girl determined to protect him.
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