UPDATED For the Love of Lemurs: My Life in the Wilds of Madagascar by Patricia Chapple Wright download finder ipad reader tom

UPDATED For the Love of Lemurs: My Life in the Wilds of Madagascar by Patricia Chapple Wright download finder ipad reader tom

UPDATED For the Love of Lemurs: My Life in the Wilds of Madagascar by Patricia Chapple Wright download finder ipad reader tom

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Book description

Book description
In 1986, primatologist Patricia Chapple Wright was given a seemingly impossible task: to travel to the rainforests of Madagascar and find the greater bamboo lemur, a species that hadnt been seen in the wild for thirty years. Not only did Wright discover that the primate still existed but that it lived alongside a completely new species. What followed was a love affair with an animal and a country that continues to this day. In this frank and enchanting sequel to High Moon Over the Amazon, Wright recounts the many challenges she faced, including separation from her daughter, a tempestuous romance with a fellow scientist, and political upheaval that threatens her dream of establishing a national park to ensure the safety of her precious lemurs. But in the end, her tenacity, daring, and passion for this endangered primate lead to extraordinary scientific breakthroughs and help bring the animal back from the brink of extinction.
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