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UPDATED Fishing for Bacon (Nunatak First Fiction) by Michael Davie (Goodreads Author) online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
Let me start off by saying that Fishing for Bacon is neither a story about smoked meat nor cooking but is a coming-of-age story of a boy called Bacon Sobelowski who has a passion for fishing. When he was ten, his father walked out of their life and it was at that time his mother bought him a fishing rod at a garage sale. He spent much of his time fishing then, thinking it is the only thing that is worth spending his time on though he is not really good in it. He thinks timing is essential in all the things he does but it seems he has no such luck when it comes to that.So he led an easy, carefree life living with his mother and Grandma Magic Can all the way till high school, when he met a new girl in class whom he thinks might be his special someone. It all started after he heard Kenny Roger sings a song about there is a someone for everyone, and he intends to seek that someone based on that belief.However, Sara Mulligan is not the special someone whom he thinks she is, but he went searching for her anyway after she has left him in Bellevue to big city Calgary. And this begins the plot where Bacon will meet a few others that made him wonder if they are his special someone and left him wondering if bad timing is the cause for all the disappointment or even some unexpected outcome. I have to say I loved the characterization in this story. Bacon is an interesting character, and I could simply connect him to most of the teenaged boys today, who are usually full of angst and plagued by their hormonal urges. Secondary characters like Laszlo Maximilian Mursky reminds me of a pimp but not fully a heartless one; and Grandma Magic Can is an extraordinary woman who has some moxie in her despite her age. There are a few more but I will stop here. This story mainly focus on characters and relationships which allow the readers to get to know more about Bacon through various situations or circumstances as the story moves along. Though I have to admit I did not really care for Bacon in the beginning (and it does not help much that he has a passive attitude), my opinion of him gradually changes after following his journey and knowing that he has learned something out of everything towards the end. There were times I chuckled reading this book but funny aside, I also felt it is poignant at some point which I think it works for this story. Bacons relationship with Woodrat, a laundry girl he knew at work is the most emotional one I read following his journey, and I find it difficult to express my thoughts into words here the way it evoke my feelings while reading it. All I can say is their connections with each other is simple, bittersweet yet a beautiful one.
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