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Shades of G R Martin in Hermathyas turn from brat to outright manipulator. Her scenes with Kith in the garden and Sithas in the temple were well contrasted and give her a believable if hurried arc. The temple scene is particularly tense and atmospheric. Kiths turn as statesman is a bit mary-sue but forgivable in light of his foreshadowed role and the well wrought reactions of the other characters. The procession of the Wildrunners was a powerful moment marrying the tension between the twins (another Dragonlance theme) to the politicking of the ambassadors. Mackelis comic relief is a bit hamfisted (...and makes Kith come off as a bit naive about ladies) but not over much. Good set up for the finish....and the finish is pretty strong. In a few terse, tense pages we see an assassination, the contrast between the new speaker and the last, as well as the reconfiguration of Kith-Kanan...in fact, all three leads - Sithas, Hermathya, and Kith are left wounded...all of them turning away from the good in their lives and preparing for war....Sithas from his brother, Hermathya from her husband, Kith from his idyllic time in the forest...and this last is the most devastating as the good, simple life that Kith had was believable and recognizable. To have him dismiss it as the innocence of youth...something to be shrugged off in favour of cold duty and bloodshed, is heartbreaking.The finale is a direct parallel of the introduction but it is inverted: Kith is flying away from home rather than towards it, he is burdened rather than carefree, he is the Prince and not the man. I think we are meant to see how much hes lost and wonder if it can be regained...but only the next two volumes can say if its a journey worth taking.Keep or Toss: Keep (for now )
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